Collaborative Built Software to Enable Easier Collaboration

July 10th, 2014
Brad Bush, Chief Marketing Officer, GENBAND

It takes an ecosystem to create breakthrough collaborative, mobile experiences.  In this column I am proud to share this new video about GENBAND’s “SMART OFFICE”. SMART OFFICE is an application that we developed with the help of mPortal, a really cool company headquartered in the US but with very talented developers in India and elsewhere.

The GENBAND team has been working closely with mPortal’s team for a few years, tapping into their experience and vision for the “user experience” and “user interface.” These days, understanding how to stitch together the best technologies – and talents – is critical to the creation of advanced real-time communications solutions that users are demanding. GENBAND brings strength in our broad and deep portfolio of “RTC” capabilities including IP session management,interconnectioninterworkingSIP Trunking, and perhaps most importantly – WebRTC and OTT

Watch mPortal’s SMART OFFICE  Video

The lines are blurring as more and more communications services are becoming pure software hosted in the cloud – even high-scale and robust network functions are being virtualized. Everything needs to work reliably and with high quality. In order for our industry to make the lives of workers and consumers easier and more productive, our industry needs to continually work better with each other! 

At GENBAND we love the open ecosystem approach, and previewed our “KANDY” Platform-as-a-Service at our Perspectives14 event last month where mPortal participated as a sponsor. In a few months, we’ll be sharing more about the software solutions we are building to address demand in the fastest growing and most exciting real-time communications markets, such as UC, mobile, OTT, and WebRTC. It’s all evolving to a more ecosystem-driven environment. From Apps to APIs, from Sandboxes to SDKS – the transformation continues…

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