Ribbon Rural Solutions
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What Makes IP Wave Better Than the Competition?
IP Wave Services
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<div id="services"></div>Ribbon's IP Wave Services portfolio supports you throughout all the phases of your network deployment. We customize the services to your needs and continuously adapt to new methods and operational efficiencies. IP Wave has a broad menu of services to make your solution complete:
Network Simplification
A consolidated multiservice platform provides the network simplification required to streamline operations, reduce cost, accelerate service velocity and improve network and service performance. With multiservice being the DNA of Ribbon’s IP portfolio we have proven credentials for supporting current, legacy and new services across both IP and seamlessly integrated IP Optical networks.
Ribbon achieves this network simplification with:
Multi-Access Edge:
- Access Edge Routers for Enterprises
- Access Routers providing a flexible RAN Edge
- Mission Critical Access Routers for Critical Infrastructures
- Smart Pluggables for Access technologies such as GPON and TDM
Converged Multiservice Aggregation:
- Full IP/MPLS feature set
- Advanced timing
- Evolution to SRv6
- TDM Migration
Service Aware Traffic Steering:
- SDN Networking
- Intelligent Path Computation
- Network Slicing
- Converged multilayer optimized IP Optical
Webinar Replay - IPoDWDM: Simplify & Save!
Built for Broadband - RDOF Ready
Service Providers and UTelcos are aggressively investing in broadband expansion. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) and similar government initiatives require deployment of both broadband and telephony services. Ribbon Voice Sync is natively designed to deliver SIP-based services over all manners of broadband. Since Voice Sync is a complete telecom solution, it’s ideal for broadband providers that need to start from scratch or for providers that are expanding into new territories and need to combine multiple networks. Unlike some cloud services options, Ribbon Voice Sync gives providers complete control over their service offerings and their telecom costs.
- Compatible with almost any broadband last mile
- Greenfield or brownfield deployments
- Providers control their service offerings and costs
Security and Survivability
Defending your network means not relying on any single layer or method of security, but it requires an holistic, multi-layered security and survivability toolset, which uses multiple mechanisms, which when taken together, provide a strong defense. IP Wave plays a fundamental part in this security and survivability toolset, providing the multi-layer IP Optical network redundancy, protection, resiliency, and encryption required to help in mitigating a number of threat vectors. Learn more by downloading our IP Wave Portfolio Security Capabilities Brochure.
Security & Survivability Webinar
During this webinar, we will provide case studies on Ribbon’s industry-leading technology for service and network redundancy, protection, resiliency, and encryption.
Powerful Visualization, Analyzing and Troubleshooting
Service providers need powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use analytics tools to visualize and monitor network performance.
With Ribbon Analytics in your network, you will be able to monitor the network for KPIs and key trends as well as troubleshoot and alert on QoE issues. This provides many benefits such as end-to-end network visibility, improved operational productivity, and efficiency, faster troubleshooting, service issue identification, and resolution.
Read our Ribbon Analytics: Application Portfolio Solution Brief
Call Trust - Robocall and Fraud Mitigation
What do your customers do when they receive a phone call from someone they do not know or a number they do not recognize? Perhaps they answer it, but far more likely they reject it, send it to voice mail, or just ignore it. In our current telecommunications world, everyone does this, because they are barraged by spam and robocalls and assume the worst – someone wants to pitch something I do not need or want, or this will be an attempt to defraud me.
With Ribbon Call Trust you now have a solution that you enables you to restore their trust in the phone. Even if you have an extension to the FCC requirement to implement STIR/SHAKEN, you still need to comply with the mandate to have an originating robocall mitigation program in place. With Ribbon Call Trust you can commit to your customers that you can meet the FCC mandate. In addition, you can add more value by being able to provide terminating robocall and fraud mitigation so your customers will be at much less risk from bad actors trying to get their private information or trying to prey on them with money scams.
Identity Assurance