Neptune (NPT) IP Routing - Cloned

Neptune Family of IP Routers

Neptune (NPT) is powered by Ribbon's IP Wave rNOS, optimized for our NPT XDR and AR WAN router portfolio with a common set of features and capabilities including:

  • Multiple routing technologies including IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP, Segment routing, RSVP-TE, FlexE, supporting multiple services such as Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN, Layer 3 VPN , EVPN, Circuit emulation, XGS-PON
  • Support for advanced fault management and performance capabilities

IP Routing Products


Compact CPE

Range of compact edge devices optimized to provide cost-efficient solutions for specific applications.


Access Aggregation and Pre-Aggregation Routers

Multiaccess, multiservice routers with the service agility, form factors and high-density capacity required to converge the access edge.


Aggregation Routers

High-performance, high availability routers with terabit-scale with agility to support any service, on a service-by-service basis.


SDN Orchestrator

MUSE™ rapidly creates and provisions innovative services, ensuring the network is continuously optimized and available.


IP Wave rNOS

Ribbon's IP Wave rNOS is a unified NOS used across our entire portfolio.

NPT Product Family

NPT IP Routers

NPT AR Routers

High Availability Routers


Compact CPE
Access Aggregation  Routers
Aggregation Routers
Router NPT 1012D NPT 1015 NPT 1022 M6424 NPT 1050 NPT 1100 NPT 1250 NPT 1300 NPT 1800
Fit Critical Infrastructures and CPE for VPN services Fanless MPLS-TP Demarcation Device High Capacity CPE and Access Router Converged FrontHaul High Availability Access Edge Access Edge and
High Availability
Access Edge and
High Availability Multiservice Aggregation High Availability Multiservice Aggregation
Capacity 32 Gbps Switching Capacity 8 Gbps 64 Gbps 800Gbps 300 Gbps 300 Gbps 300 Gbps 1Tbps 2Tbps
Service Ethernet, CES, XGS-PON, Layer 2 VPN, Layer 3 VPN Ethernet, TDM, Layer 2 VPN, MPLS-TP Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,
CPRI, eCPRI, Ethernet Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,
Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,  Layer 3 VPN,CES, XGS-PON Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,  Layer 3 VPN, CES, XGS-PON Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN, Layer 3 VPN, CES, XGS-PON Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN, Layer 3 VPN, CES, XGS-PON
Routing Technology IP/MPLS, Ethernet, MPLS-TP MPLS-TP,
VPN based Ethernet,
Segment Routing
TSN, RoE, Ethernet IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP,
Segment Routing
Segment Routing
IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP, Segment Routing, FlexE IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP, Segment Routing IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP,
Segment Routing, FlexE
High-Speed Optical I/Fs         CWDM, DWDM, 100G
coherent ZR, OPENZR+
CWDM, DWDM, 100G coherent,  ZR & OPENZR+ CWDM, DWDM, 100G coherent CWDM, DWDM, 100G coherent CWDM, DWDM, 100G coherent
Rack Units DIN-Rail or 1RU options 1RU 1RU 1RU 1RU 1RU 2RU 3RU 8RU
Datasheet NPT 1012D NPT 1015 NPT 1022 M-6424 NPT 1030 NPT 1100 NPT 1250 NPT 1300 NPT 1800



High Performance, High Capacity Routers


Access Aggregation  Routers
Aggregation Routers
Router NPT 2100 NPT 2300 NPT 2400
Fit High Performance Access Edge and
High Performance Multiservice Aggregation High-performance Metro Edge Aggregation Router
Capacity 800G 2.4Tbps 4.8Tbps
Service Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,  EVPN, Layer 3 VPN,CES, XGS-PON Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,  EVPN, Layer 3 VPN, CES, XGS-PON Ethernet, Layer 2 VPN,  EVPN, Layer 3 VPN, CES, XGS-PON
Routing Technology IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP,
Segment Routing
IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP, Segment Routing IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP, Segment Routing
High-Speed Optical I/Fs CWDM, DWDM, 100G/200G/400G coherent, ZR & OPENZR+ CWDM, DWDM, 100G/200G/400G coherent, ZR & OPENZR+ CWDM, DWDM, 100G/200G/400G coherent, ZR & OPENZR+
Rack Units 1RU 3RU 2RU
Datasheet NPT 2100 NPT 2300 NPT 2400

Request an IP Optical Quote

Ribbon IP Wave rNOS Optimized for Multi-Access Edge, Aggregation and Transport

Telecoms services are becoming increasingly complex, demanding ever-increasing bandwidth and service performance guarantees. To keep pace with this exponential traffic growth and complexity a better backhaul transport network is required. This new backhaul transport must have the agility to provide the scalability, fast convergence, ease of configuration and service performance required to support the new services cost effectively.

Ribbon is addressing these market demands by developing a disaggregated, open, standards-based NOS portfolio, flexible enough to support “right-size” scaling supporting multiple hardware sizes. The NOS software is optimized to support multi-access edge platforms and larger platforms used for aggregation and transport.

for nos website

Neptune Metro IP Transport

ACG Report - The Economic Benefits of a Super-Converged Multi-Access Edge Network

Optimized Solutions Powered by NPT's IP Transport

5g xHaul Solutions
Unified 5G xHaul

Unified 5G xHaul

5G needs a new type of transport network, able to deliver higher capacity, to more cell sites while meeting more stringent synchronization requirements. This network has to meet the needs of providing xHaul connectivity between the RAN and the mobile core, it must also be able to provide this connectivity such that the end to end 5G network is able to guarantee SLAs for all the services it supports. Neptune is a key building block of Ribbon’s 5G xhaul solution. Providing the advanced IP transport capabilities required for 5G xHaul

Learn About 5G xHaul


Broadband Backhaul

High-bandwidth access networks are just a starting point on the road to high-speed broadband. A new aggregation and transport network is needed to complete the journey and make broadband for all a reality. With service-aware traffic steering and IP Optical integration, Neptune provides high-capacity next-generation aggregation and transport network required to bridge the gap between the high-bandwidth access pipes and the performance-dependent services these pipes need to transport.

Broadband Whitepaper



Broadband Backhaul



SDH/SONET Modernization

SDH/SONET Modernization

Operators now have a need to retire their SDH/SONET networks and migrate onto a modern IP Transport network. Fortunately, with the capabilities Neptune provides, this is a good time to undertake this migration. We have well established, field proven, processes to make this migration seamless and risk-free and we have the technology to support the legacy SDH/SONET services on the IP Transport network in a manner, which is at least equivalent to, if not better than the legacy SDH/SONET network.

SDH/SONET Whitepaper



IP Wholesale Services

With new high-capacity access provided by 5G and Fiber deployment there is an ever increasing opportunity for wholesalers to lease Service Providers the backhaul they need for these access networks. Neptune’s multi-access edge, multiservice aggregation and ability to support multitenant solutions make it the ideal solution for these wholesalers.

Wholesale Carrier Solutions




IP/MPLS Services


Enterprise Private Networks

Enterprises support a vast array services, each with different performance requirements and delivered over diferent access networks . When an enterprise invests in building its own private communications network it wants a network which will support all its service current and legacy services and provide the agility to evolve to support future services. Neptune’s multi-access edge and multiservice aggregation provide enterprises with a converged platform which can meet all their service needs today and Neptune’s programmable Open IP provides enterprises with the confidence they have a communication platform which can evolve to meet their needs as they evolve.

Read Application Note


Enterprise Private Networks
Enterprise Private Networks




Business Services

Ribbon provides the multi-access edge, converged aggregation, service-aware traffic steering and intent based automation required for Service Providers and Multiservice Operators to profitably delivery of services

Open IP


Business Services




Solutions for Critical Infrastructures

Neptune Utilites Graphic


Utilities are looking to Digitize, Decarbonize and Decentralize their networks, the 3Ds. Secure collection and distribution of real-time network data to intelligent control systems is key to achieving this 3D evolution. This can only be achieved with a modernized communications network. Neptune has the right technology to provides risk–free migration to a modern communications network, tailored for the individual needs of each utility operator, it concurrently supports legacy mission-critical OT applications like teleprotection on the same end to end communications network as modern applications such as the digital substation.


Transportation companies are in a period of rapid modernization. This modernization is based on the secure, flow of realtime data to and from an ever increasingly number of sensors, camera’s and users from across the network. This dataflow can only be achieved by use of a new communications network which is able to provide connectivity to multiple Field Area Networks using multiple different access technologies. Neptune provides multiservice solutions optimized to meet the modernization needs of transportation companies

Transportation Solutions


Transport Modernization Graphic

Learn More about IP Wave