Can ChatGPT explain an SBC?

February 14th, 2023

With the excitement and promise of Chat GPT (and if you’re not familiar, give this a read), we in the Ribbon marketing department thought we’d put it to a test. Below is the result of our request to write a 500 word essay on why you need a session border controller in an enterprise IP network. Here’s the result: 

A session border controller (SBC) is a critical component in an enterprise IP network as it provides a range of security and connectivity functions that are essential for the smooth operation of Voice over IP (VoIP) and other real-time communication applications.

One of the primary functions of an SBC is to provide security for the enterprise IP network. An SBC acts as a firewall, protecting the network from unauthorized access and preventing malicious attacks such as denial of service (DoS) attacks. It also provides encryption for sensitive data, such as credit card information, to ensure that it is protected during transmission.

Another important function of an SBC is to provide connectivity between different communication platforms and networks. In an enterprise environment, there may be a variety of different communication systems in use, such as traditional PSTN, VoIP, and SIP. An SBC acts as a translator, enabling these different systems to communicate with each other seamlessly. It also provides Quality of Service (QoS) management, ensuring that the quality of real-time communication applications is maintained, even when network resources are constrained.

An SBC can also help to reduce costs for an enterprise. By providing a single point of access to the network, an SBC can simplify the management of multiple communication systems. It can also provide call routing and load balancing, ensuring that calls are handled efficiently and reducing the need for additional communication infrastructure. Furthermore, it can help to reduce long-distance and international call charges by routing calls over the internet, instead of through traditional PSTN networks.

In addition to these functionalities, an SBC can also provide other features such as call recording, call monitoring, and reporting. These features allow IT administrators and managers to monitor and record all communication activities on the network, which can be helpful in identifying and troubleshooting issues, as well as for compliance and regulatory requirements.

In conclusion, a session border controller is a necessary component in an enterprise IP network. It provides security, connectivity, cost savings, and other features that are essential for the smooth operation of VoIP and other real-time communication applications. As more and more enterprises adopt VoIP and other IP-based communication systems, the importance of an SBC in the network will only continue to grow. It is highly recommended for an enterprise to have a session border controller in their network to ensure the best performance and security.


I’d say all-in-all that Chat GPT did a pretty good job. Some of the things that it cites as features of an SBC – call recording and call monitoring – are generally add-on capabilities not inherent to an SBC. Also, while an SBC can do intelligent routing to minimize toll charges, generally that function resides elsewhere – in the case of Ribbon, we use our PSX product to instruct the SBC how to make those routing decisions.

However, the conclusion that an SBC “is a necessary component in an enterprise IP network. It provides security, connectivity, cost savings, and other features that are essential for the smooth operation of VoIP and other real-time communication applications” is spot on. An SBC works in tandem with your firewall to secure your voice traffic, and is absolutely a necessary component of your security perimeter. To learn more, check out our SBC page on our website.