Data Center Evolution Driving Nx400G Lanes
I recently spoke at the North American Network Operators’ Group (NANOG 89) conference in San Diego, CA. My presentation titled “Pushing Nx400G Further.” I focused on data centers and the growing traffic driving the need to build optical networks in multiples of 400G lanes – 400G/800G/1200G and so on – to transport this ever-increasing capacity demand.
In my presentation I illustrate how the industry is leveraging progress in DSP technology to create two complementary types of 0dBm transceiver solutions to meet different needs:
- Proprietary capacity-reach optimized transceivers that maximize channel capacity for any distance, including regional coverage 800G and short haul 1200G in 2023, and
- Standard cost-power optimized transceivers that provide strong enough performance for most metro applications, including 400G in 2023 and 800G in 2024.
I explain in detail on how these solutions can operate together on the same fiber using a rational 75GHz/150GHz channel plan. Here is an outline of my presentation. You can also watch the complete presentation on YouTube.
Optical Transport Solution Brief
Cost and power optimization
- Efficiency
- Interoperability
Stay in Your “Lane”
- 100Gbe traditional
- 400Gbe lanes and client interfaces
- 800Gbe right around the corner
How do we bundle all these “lanes” across these interfaces for higher performance: reach, density and capacity.
Two Trends
- IP over DWDM
- IP over Optical Transport
Use Cases
- Capacity and reach optimized capabilities.
- 1.2T with 1.6T in the future
- 1500 – 2000 km with 800G
- Ultra long haul with 400G
- Cost and power optimization
- Efficiency
- Interoperability
Baud Rate Key to Practical Nx400 Lanes
Engineering Challenges and Solutions Necessary
- Line Rate – 400G, 800G, 1200G
- Modulation Reach is inversely proportional to modulation density
- Baud Rate – Not physics limited. Allows you to take advantage of new technologies
Modulation Targets
- Schemes
- Bits
- Distances
- Applications
Transceiver Evolution
- Capacity-Reach Optimized
- Cost-Power Optimized
What is Around the Corner
- Line rate and Baud Rate capability predictions
- 400G in 2023
- 800G in 2024
- 250Gbaud ?
- Spectrum Planning – Waste Not. Want Not.
Watch the complete presentation on YouTube
Please see these additional resources
5nm-140Gbaud Wavelengths - 400G to 1.2T
Apollo Optical Networking – Programmable and open optical networks