Embodying the True Spirit of GIVING!

May 20th, 2014
Robin Wright, EVP of Human Resources and Corporate Operations

Once again our employees have demonstrated their commitment to GIVING by embodying the true spirit of GENBAND and I could not be more proud. As part of our recent trip to South Africa the team wanted to do something special for the local community. The decision was made to adopt a cause that would benefit those in need. 

Since a large percentage of South Africa's children still live in poverty, GENBAND chose to organize a donation for a local school. The organization we selected, the Henna Pre-School, provides schooling and education for children under the age of six, who live mainly on area farms around Lions Sand and Kruger Game Reserves. Lions Sand Game Reserve has supported the Henna Pre-School since 2002, helping to provide basic education resources and healthy meals to students.  

We asked GENBAND employees to pack and bring along new or gently used items they wished to donate including clothing, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, books and or sporting/recess equipment. Donations were collected at the resorts in the Bush. GENBAND also committed to offering matching funds for donations. Not only did our employees’ generous donations meet our targets – they exceeded them. In addition to the employees’ generous contributions, GENBAND also donated 150 pair of Reebok shoes to the school since many of the children do not have shoes to wear.

I am pleased to report that I had the personal privilege of giving a new pair of shoes and a bag of candy to my new friend whose name, appropriately enough, is Appreciate Mdlovu. Appreciate was born with some physical challenges that make walking difficult, yet nothing diminished the smile on her face. Beyond those smiles and thumbs up, we had no ability to communicate, but I left with her spirit embedded in my heart.

 Because of our employees’ generosity, GENBAND will be making a contribution to the Henna Pre-School of more than $7,000. This will make a huge difference in the lives of the children we met and as an organization we are committed to continuing our relationship with the school and the kids in the future. We are hoping to come together again around the holidays and do something special for the Henna kids.

Again, I cannot convey how proud I am to be a part of such a giving team and will never forget the kindness and enthusiasm our employees demonstrated during our visit to the school. Below are photos of our visit and a great video of the students’ mothers doing a Thank You dance. Enjoy.

GENBAND's Henna Pre-School Visit

Henna Pre-School Mothers’ Thank You Dance

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