WebRTC: A Real Game-Changer, Offering Endless Possibilities

May 9th, 2014
Bita Milanian, Senior Vice President of Marketing Communications, GENBAND

WebRTC is already having a profound impact in many different vertical industries – especially healthcare. In fact, many visionaries in the healthcare industry believe this disruptive technology will literally change everything for millions of people and positively impact the economics of healthcare delivery.  The benefits, which include accessibility, affordability and reliability, are endless, especially when you compare it to traditional “Telemedicine” technology. In my latest blog, Attend Anywhere at The Alfred, I highlight a great example of how WebRTC is helping to bring together people from around the world to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. This one of many amazing instances that illustrates how this emerging technology can be a real game-changer. I would love to hear your feedback on the opportunities that WebRTC present – not only in healthcare, but in other industries as well.

Read the article at http://bitamilanian.com/attendanywhere/.

Read my blog at www.bitamilanian.com.

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