Wednesday, May 6th | 11am EDT

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are beginning the process of transitioning to 5G. In this transition, the industry is agreeing that IMS-based (VoLTE) telephony service will continue to be used in 5G rollouts. What this means is that your 5G deployment plans will require an associated evolution with your VoLTE services to support items such as scenarios as dual-radio phone rollout, EPS fallback and eventually full 5G voice support.

Accordingly, it is imperative to continue gaining insights on the current and future usage patterns and the underlying quality of your VoLTE network. In this growing period of disparate workforces and physical distancing, the ability to continuously monitor the performance of the network, quickly identify signaling & quality degradations and isolate the problem down to offending component is critical to maintaining your subscriber base.

Join our webinar on May 27th, 2020 at 11am EDT to learn how Ribbon Analytics will bring you pre-defined and flexible analytics that can drive actionable insights from your VoLTE network. In this webinar, we will explain how MNOs are using Ribbon Analytics to:

  • Distinguish network, application and device issues associated with poor subscriber experience
  • Leverage analytics and machine learning to focus your staff on specific areas that are cause for concern
  • Help to optimize investment decisions across their networks
  • Q&A
Walter Kenrich | Ribbon Communications
Walter Kenrich
Sr. Director, Product Line Management
Ribbon Communications
Chip Boyle | Ribbon Communications
Chip Boyle
VP, Systems Engineering
Ribbon Communications

WEBINAR: Play it Smart: Evolve Your VoLTE Network Insights While Implementing 5G Services

Wednesday, May 6th | 11am EDT