Network Evolution Trends that are Ruling the Real-Time Communications World

The majority of my time is spent helping our more than 700 service provider customers better serve their customers through more agile, efficient and powerful communications networks. Serving as the Chief Operating Officer of Network for GENBAND has given me unique insights into the issues and pain points that are facing today’s service providers. Every day my team and I help customers ranging from the largest operators in the world to rural service providers solve their communications issues and improve their networks.

Looking Forward to Sharing My Take on UC and WebRTC at UC EXPO

Spring finally sprung in London last week with sunny days and temperatures in the 20s (70s).  It almost seems a shame to ask sun-starved Londoners to head indoors this week for one of the year’s biggest unified communications (UC) events, UC EXPO.  On the plus side, the good weather should ensure a busy event.  GENBAND will be showing off our UC and WebRTC solutions and will be supporting our newest

Channeling Mobile Growth: Enterprises and SMBs Move Beyond “UC” to UCaaS and MCaaS

Have we moved on from the idea of “Unified Communications” to “Optimized Real-Time Communications?” There’s a lot of chatter going on about the death of “UC” and the rise of “RTC” for businesses, and the notion that the desktop phone and PBX as we knew them are being systematically, if slowly, decommissioned in favor of the more sophisticated mobile devices now available. But it’s not just the devices, it’s the applications including security applications, and the movement toward embedding RTC into everyday workflow and platforms, including CRM.