Why Ribbon?
MUSE™ Carrier Grade PaaS
Scalable and Cloud Native by Design
Does Your Network WORK for You?
Services such as 5G, IoT and smart cities hold promise of great new revenue streams. However, today’s networks were not designed for tomorrow’s challenges. Instead, they comprise a complex patchwork of layers, technologies and vendors, which require tedious manual processes, an army of networking experts, and most of all, a long time-to-market for new services. Ribbon’s ELASTIC Services Platform takes networking solutions to the next level, allowing service providers to concentrate on what’s important to them!
At the Edge of Profit
So, the OTTs have found a way to ride on your infrastructure and take revenue away from you. Let them have it! There’s a great deal of opportunity that no one can take from you. Moving transport services to the network’s edge will open up new revenue and new markets, provide the most efficient and effective use of your infrastructure, and—most importantly—increase existing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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A New SDN Sequel - Does P4 Stand a Chance?
Last year, the Open Network Forum (ONF) officially decided to lay OpenFlow (OF) to rest. But did this also lay to rest any hope of SDN being a truly programmable standard for network operations? Not according to the ONF. According to them P4 will take OpenFlow to the next level. So why the change? And does P4 really stand a chance?
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